#03 – Components – Learn Angular From Scratch with Junaid Hassan

In this post, we will learn about components and how to create new components in an Angular 9 application using Angular CLI. We will create the required components for our application and will show how components can be used to organize the content of the application.

#02 – Create First Angular Application – Learn Angular From Scratch with Junaid Hassan

This is the second part of the series “Learn Angular 9 From Scratch”. In this post, we will learn how to create a new Angular application using Angular Command Line Interfacer i.e. Angular CLI.

#01 – Introduction – Learn Angular From Scratch with Junaid Hassan

In this post, we will learn: 1. What is Angular? 2. What are Single Page Applications (SPA’s)? 3. What are the prerequisites to create an angular application? 4. What is NodeJS and Node Package Manager (npm)? 5. What is Angular CLI?
