IS-A and HAS-A Relationships in Java – Code Example

Code reuse-ability is the fundamental objective of object oriented programming. To achieve code reuse-ability objective, we use IS-A, HAS-A relationships. IS-A relationship is another name of inheritance or we can say that IS-A relationship is achieved through inheritance. In inheritance child class can inherit attributes and methods from its parent class. For example we have a Student class which inherits from Human class then it means that it follows the IS-A relationship because a Student IS-A Human. Further it should be noted that a Student IS-A Human but a Human may not be a Student. It means that child class...

Code Example To Generate Word Cloud Using R – Data Analysis

Word cloud help us to understand and visualize important keywords in given textual data sets. R is a powerful programming language used for exploration and visualization of data. Following code snippet can be used to generate word cloud using R programming language. [js] install.packages("tm") // package for text mining install.packages("wordcloud") // to generate word cloud install.packages("RColorBrewer") // to add colors in the word cloud library(tm)     // loading tm package library(RColorBrewer) // loading RColorBrewer package library(wordcloud) // loading wordcloud package text_data <- read_csv("data.csv") // reading data from csv file text <- text_data$col_name      // extracting data from column 'col_name'...

Useful R Packages for Data Analysis

R is a powerful programming language used for exploring and analyzing data effectively. R provides many built in functions for data analysis. Furthermore there are many other R packages for data analysis which can extend the data analysis functionality. Following are some useful R packages which can be installed for specific tasks. Twitter Data Analysis: // install.packages(rtweet) Text Mining: install.packages("tm") // for text mining install.packages("SnowballC") // for text stemming install.packages("wordcloud")  // word-cloud generator install.packages("stopwords") // for multilingual stop words Colors: install.packages("RColorBrewer") // to add colors Visualization: install.packages("ggplot2") // for data visualization functions  ...

Useful R Functions – Exploratory Data Analysis

R is a programming language used for statistical analysis and exploratory data analysis projects. According to the official website: R is a language and environment for statistical computing and graphics. It is a GNU project which is similar to the S language and environment which was developed at Bell Laboratories (formerly AT&T, now Lucent Technologies) by John Chambers and colleagues. [source] Following are some useful R functions which can be used for data exploration and visualization. To read data from CSV file: data_obj <- read_csv("data.csv") In above line data_obj is the object name in which your data will be saved, data.csv is the...