WordPress Security Checklist

Following are some general recommendations to enhance security of a WordPress website. Use a security plugin e.g. Wordfence (if not already installed) and make sure that it’s updated to the latest version. Following is a short summary of recommended Wordfence settings:Make sure that the “Enabled and Protecting” mode is enabled after the “Learning” period is ended.In “Protection Level”, make sure to optimize the Wordfence firewall by enabling the Extended Protection mode.Upgrade the plugin to the premium version to enable the “Real Time IP Blacklist” feature to protect the website from malicious activities using the updated and latest database.The other default...

Important Points To Consider Before and After Updating PHP Version For WordPress Website

Updating PHP version may cause issues to some of the features and functionality of the WordPress website due to incompatibility of 3rd party plugins or themes to the PHP version. In this blog post, we have discussed about important things to consider before and after updating PHP version for WordPress website.


Free SSL Certificate for WordPress Website – Lets Encrypt cPanel Installation

If you need free SSL certificate for WordPress website or any other website then this blog post is written for you. This blog post lists the exact steps required to install free SSL certificate (by Lets Encrypt) on WordPress/ any other website using zerossl.com and cPanel.


10 Recommended Wordfence Settings to Secure WordPress Website

Wordfence is very powerful and popular WordPress plugin used for the security of the WordPress websites. The plugin consists of large number of settings which maybe confusing for beginner level users. This guide helps the beginner level users to implement the 10 important recommended Wordfence settings to secure WordPress website.


Detailed Guide – Recommended Wordfence Settings for WordPress Website

Wordfence is very powerful and popular WordPress plugin used for the security of WordPress websites. The plugin consists of large number of settings which maybe confusing for beginner level users. This guide helps the beginner level users understand and implement the recommended Wordfence settings for WordPress websites.
