How to use if statement in C Programming

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If statement is called as selection structure in C Programming. If statement checks a condition and proceed further depending upon the fact that whether the condition being checked is true or false. In simple words it says “Do something when this condition is true”. Following simple program explains how to use if statement to compare 2 numbers entered by the user.


#include <stdio.h>

int main(void){
// defining variables, computing their sum and printing sum on the screen

int number1; //defined variable named as number1
int number2; // defined variable named as number2

printf("Please Enter First Integer Number:n");
scanf("%d", &number1); // getting variable value from user and assiging value to variable named as number1
printf("Please Enter Second Integer Number:n");
scanf("%d", &number2); // getting variable value from user and assiging value to variable named as number2

if(number1 == number2){ //this condition will be true if number1 is equal to number2
printf("%d is equals to %dn", number1, number2); // first %d will hold the value of the variable mentioned after firs comma i.e number1.
//second %d will hold the value of the variable mentioned after second comma i.e number2

if(number1 >= number2){ // this condition will be true if either number1 is equal to number2 or number1 is greater than number2
printf("%d is greater than or equals to %dn", number1, number2);

if(number1 > number2){ // this condition will be true if number1 is greater than number2
printf("%d is greater than %dn", number1, number2);

if(number1 <= number2){ // this condition will be true if either number1 is equal to number2 or number1 is lesser than number2
printf("%d is less than or equals to %dn", number1, number2);

if(number1 < number2){ // this condition will be true if number1 is lesser than number2
printf("%d is less than %dn", number1, number2);

if(number1 != number2){ // this condition will be true if number1 is not equal to number2
printf("%d is not equals to %dn", number1, number2);

return 0;


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