CODOWPPOSTS – Features and HowTo Guide – WordPress Plugin

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CODOWPPOSTS is a WordPress plugin to show posts, pages, or custom posts on the frontend in tabular format with client-side filters and pagination. Select post type, add/re-order/delete columns with post attributes e.g. title, excerpt, author, category, or any custom post meta boxes. Define column widths, link permalinks, enable/disable client-side filters for each column. Define number of posts per page (default: 10) with client-side pagination functionality.

The plugin is reviewed by the CodeCanyon team and is approved and published on the CodeCanyon marketplace.

Video Demo

Video Demo of CODOWPPOSTS Plugin


  1. Select post type (post, page or custom post type)
  2. Add/edit/delete any number of post tables
  3. Dynamic post table columns
  4. Column drag/drop ordering/positioning
  5. Column titles
  6. Column meta (data source)
  7. Support to use built-in attributes as data source e.g. title, excerpt, author, category etc.
  8. Support to use custom meta boxes registered with the selected post type as data source
  9. Define column width
  10. Enable/disable column filtering
  11. Number of posts per page (default: 10)
  12. Client-side filtering
  13. Client-side pagination
  14. Post table shortcodes

How To Use It?

  1. Purchase, download and install the plugin
  2. Visit CODOWPPOSTS -> Post Tables -> Add New to define a new post table for any post type
  3. Configure the attributes and publish the post table
  4. Every published post table will have a shortcode that can be used on any page or wherever the shortcodes can be added


Backend Settings
Frontend View

That’s all! Please let us know in case of any questions or concerns. Thanks

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