If you are using SCEditor as a rich text editor in your Angular/React application and you are trying are seeing that the iFrame tag is removed from the editor then I have a solution for your problem.
forwardTag: javascript
#00 – Concepts and Notes – JavaScript
Following is a list of core JavaScript concepts: HistoryDeveloped in 1995 by Brendan EichInitially named as LiveScriptAlso known as ECMAScriptJS has no concept of input or outputIt runs in an hosted environment like Node Server or BrowsersOverviewJS is a multi-paradigm, dynamic languageSyntax is similar to Java and C languagesIt supports object oriented approach using objects prototypes instead of classesIt also supports functional programmingTypesNumberStringBooleanSymbolObjectFunctionInner FunctionsArrayDateRegExpNullUndefinedVariablesLetConstVarOperatorsNumbericPlus (+)ComparisonBitwiseControl Structuresif-elsewhile loopdo-while loopfor loopfor-of loopfor-in loopswitch References: https://developer.mozilla.org/en-US/docs/Learnhttps://developer.mozilla.org/en-US/docs/Web/JavaScript/A_re-introduction_to_JavaScript...