How To Develop Custom WordPress Plugin from Scratch using OOP

This post describes the exact step to develop a custom WordPress plugin from scratch using Object-Oriented Programming. Go to, fill the form and download your zip file Edit the main file (plugin-name.php) and update texts like 'description' if you want Create all custom post types, make sure that the custom post type title is not longer than 20 characters otherwise you will get an error 'invalid post type' function create_post_uni_lms_classes_std() { register_post_type( 'uni_lms_classes', array( 'labels' => array( 'name' => __('Classes','unilms'), 'singular_name' => __('Class','unilms'), 'add_new' => __('Add New','unilms'), 'add_new_item' => __('Add New Class','unilms'), 'edit' => __('Edit','unilms'), 'edit_item' => __('Edit Class','unilms'),...

How To Install WordPress At LocalHost Wamp Server – WordPress Tutorials

In this blog post we will show you a video tutorial to install WordPress at localhost wamp server. This tutorial covers the steps from downloading WordPress, installing it at localhost wamp server, database creation and linking with WordPress etc. See following video tutorial for step by step guide.  ...