How to Add Custom Option in Weebly Theme

Custom option in weebly theme gives admin the flexibility to choose and define different options for your theme. For example if you want to give theme user the ability to change background color of navigation menu then you can add custom option in weebly theme so that the user can easily define / change background color of navigation menu without editing the code. In this blog post we will define a custom option in weebly theme so that the user can make Logo and Navigation Menu either Block or Inline. If Block option is selected then logo and navigation menu...

ExtremeEdits A Professional Weebly Theme

ExtremeEdits is a responsive and colorful weebly theme with theme options, 8 colors pallets, custom templates (startup template, marketing template, parallax template and CV template), 3 blog post layouts, retutn to top button functionlaity and is fully compatible with weebly4. See all features and live demo at:

Add Sections and Customizable Header Layouts to older weebly themes – Weebly Tutorials

With weebly 4 we have new design elements like sections, section layouts and customizable header layouts which gives the functionality to build even more attractive and professional weebly websites. With these new design elements we can add video backgrounds (Pro Members only), parallax sections, team sections, menu sections, call out sections, image headers, video headers and many other pre-built customizable layouts. In this post we will discuss how to add sections and customizable header layouts to older weebly themes. Weebly explains: Sections: Transform your site with stackable, independent sections you can use to create entirely new designs, including parallax and reveal effects....

Change styles of current page link in weebly – Weebly Tutorials

My client asked me to change the color of navigation link of the page that is currently active and the also if it is the sub menu then its color should also be changed. Though its a very simple task but in weebly it's little tricky. So I'm going to share how I'v completed this custom requirement of changing styles of current page link in weebly. Steps To Change Styles of Current Page in Weebly:Step 1:Go inside weebly editor Design > Edit Html / Css > main_style.cssStep 2:Add following lines of code at the end of main_style.css#navigation li#active {  font-weight:...

Disable top level navigation menu item in weebly – Weebly Tutorials

Yesterday my client asked me that he wants to disable the top level navigation menu item "My projects" as shown in below picture so that visitor is not able to click on this menu item but rather when they hover over "My Projects" link the sub menu items should be visible. So I'v completed the task and now I'll share the simple steps involved to achieve this requirement. Steps To Disable Top Level Navigation Link: Inside your weebly editor go into Design > Edit Html / Css > main_style.css At the end of main_style.css add following lines of code   ...

Guide to Integrate a plugin in weebly website – Weebly Tutorial

Introduction In our previous two posts we have discussed about how to Create Free Weebly Website and how to Learn Web Development Using Weebly. In today's post we will present a step by step guide to integrate a plugin in Weebly website. If you want to extend the functionality of your website by integrating a plugin in you Weebly Website or having a problem in integrating a plugin in Weebly Website then this step by step guide will be helpful for you. What is a Plugin? A plugin is an independent set of files or block of code which can...

Learn Web Development using weebly – Weebly Tutorial

In our previous blog post Create Free Website With Weebly, we have discussed seven basic steps to create a free website using Weebly CMS. In this blog post we will share resources and work plan about how we can learn web development using Weebly's easy drag and drop CMS (content management system). So let's start ! Why Web Development Using Weebly? Web Development is a trending skill that can earn a great revenue in today's digital world where every company, organization, business or even individuals want to have their online presence where they can share information, ideas and thoughts. Web Development includes...

Create a Free website with Weebly – Weebly Tutorial

If you want a fresh start with Weebly, an emerging content management system (CMS) like WordPress, then this step by step guide will help you to create a free website with weebly. Steps To Create Free Website With Weebly Step 1: Create an account or login to Weebly using your Facebook account on link given below. CREATE Step 2: After creating an account and signing in to your account will lead you to your admin panel in Weebly. In your admin panel you can add a new website by using “Add Site” button. Step 3: When you will click on...