Ep. 003 – Course Helping Material and Resources – Learn WordPress

In the previous blog post, we have briefly discussed about the course objectives, course requirements, why we are learning WordPress and the course learning outcomes/benefits. In this blog post, we will explore some helping material pages, resources and where to look for help when you get stuck while performing any activity.


Ep. 004 – What/Why/How to Set Up Localhost – Learn WordPress Course

In the previous blog posts, we have briefly discussed the course help material and where to ask in case of any questions. In this blog post, we will learn what is localhost, why we need to use it, and how to set up localhost on your computer/laptop.


WordPress Plugin Development Boilerplate

Another contribution to the open-source community. We have developed and released a boilerplate template to develop a new WordPress plugin using Object Oriented Programming (OOP) approach. If you are a WordPress developer and want to develop a custom WordPress plugin from scratch, then this boilerplate may act as a good starting point for your new WordPress plugin.


WordPress and jQuery. What’s the Future?

WordPress is planning major jQuery changes in version 5.5 and future versions. Since WordPress relies on jQuery which is a popular JavaScript framework, the WordPress team wants to update jQuery to the latest possible version. In the long term, they want to minimize or completely remove the reliance on the jQuery framework as mentioned in this blog post. Following are some short notes about this topic: Currently, WordPress provides jQuery with version 1.12.4 released in 2016. The WordPress team wants to update the jQuery version gradually because many themes and plugins are using an older version of jQuery as a...

Interview Questions for WordPress Developer

I have prepared a list of possible questions which are commonly asked or should be asked from a candidate applying for the position of a WordPress developer. What are WordPress plugins?What are WordPress themes?What are WordPress child themes?What is Gutenberg?How to choose a best WordPress plugin?Can you develop a WordPress plugin from scratch?Can you design a WordPress theme from scratch?Can you customize WordPress plugins developed using OOP concepts?What is the difference between OOP and Structural programming?What are hooks?Can you define a custom hook?What are actions?What are filters?What is the difference between actions and filters?How to extend the existing functionality of...

#01 – Introduction – TypeScript

What is TypeScript? TypeScript is a typed super-set of JavaScript It means that any JavaScript code is a legal TypeScript codeAlso we can write any JavaScript code in a Typescript file (.ts) without any errorIt add rules about how different type of values can be usedIt preserves the run-time behavior of JavaScript code, which means that TypeScript will not throw any "type" errors on run-timeTypeScript is a static type checker for JavaScriptDetecting errors in code without running is known as static checkingDetermining the nature or type of error based on the type of values is known as static type checkingSo...

#00 – Concepts and Notes – JavaScript

Following is a list of core JavaScript concepts: HistoryDeveloped in 1995 by Brendan EichInitially named as LiveScriptAlso known as ECMAScriptJS has no concept of input or outputIt runs in an hosted environment like Node Server or BrowsersOverviewJS is a multi-paradigm, dynamic languageSyntax is similar to Java and C languagesIt supports object oriented approach using objects prototypes instead of classesIt also supports functional programmingTypesNumberStringBooleanSymbolObjectFunctionInner FunctionsArrayDateRegExpNullUndefinedVariablesLetConstVarOperatorsNumbericPlus (+)ComparisonBitwiseControl Structuresif-elsewhile loopdo-while loopfor loopfor-of loopfor-in loopswitch References: https://developer.mozilla.org/en-US/docs/Learnhttps://developer.mozilla.org/en-US/docs/Web/JavaScript/A_re-introduction_to_JavaScript...

#01 – Introduction – Learn GraphQL

In this post, we have discussed what is GraphQL, the differences between REST API's and GraphQL API development architectures, and an example scenario to elaborate on the differences between the two approaches. What is GraphQL? It is a new API development standardIt is a query language for API'sIt provides declarative syntax to fetch data from multiple data sourcesIt's an alternate to REST API development architectureUnlike REST, it exposes only a single endpoint to respond to queriesIt solves the problem of over-fetching and under-fetching the dataIt speeds up the development because we don't need to adjust API every time the front-end...

#02 – Data Fetching – Learn Next.js

Next.js provides three functions to fetch data for pre-rendered pages: getStaticProps(): Used for static generation (pre-rendering technique)Fetches data at build-timeWhen an async function getStaticProps() is called from the page component, the next.js will pre-render this page at build time using the props returned by that function (see Examples)The context parameter used as an argument of getStaticProps() function is an object containing following parameters (see details here):paramspreviewpreviewDatalocalelocalsdefaultLocalegetStaticProps() function returns an object with following parameters (see details here):props (required)revalidatenotFoundredirectImports used inside the getStaticProps() function are not bundled for the client sideServer side code can be written inside the getStaticProps() function e.g. to...