Host Angular App and NodeJS App on Same Domain

In this tutorial, we will discuss the steps to host angular app (front-end) and NodeJS App (back-end API) on same domain. The idea is that we will have a folder named as ‘public’ in the root folder of the app which will have all files associated to the angular app.


7 Steps to Get Started with GitLab

This tutorial describes the 7 basic steps to clone a GitLab repository on local machine and then the commands to push the changes back to the GitLab environment.


Search Engine Optimization Guide for WordPress Website

Search engine optimization (SEO) is a combination of certain techniques and procedures for increasing the visibility of the website in search engines by optimizing the content of the website.


Get Started with Angular 8

Learn one way to build applications with Angular and reuse your code and abilities to build apps for any deployment target. For web, mobile web, native mobile, and native desktop. Important Commands: npm install -g @angular/cling new hello-worldng build --prod (for generating production ready files)ng serve and the app is available at http://localhost:4200To create a component use the command ng g c courseTo create services use the command; ng g s service-nameng add @angular/material OR npm install --save @angular/material @angular/cdknpm install --save @angular/animationsnpm install --save hammerjsng add angular-bootstrap-md Core Angular Concepts: InterpolationProperty interpolationClass bindingStyle bindingEvent bindingTemplate reference variablesTwo way bindingStructural...

7 Steps To Create Hello World App in NodeJS using ExpressJS Framework

Download and install node.jsCreate a folder and CD into that folder using using node.js command promptrun the command npm initTo install and use expressjs ( Fast, unopinionated, minimalist web framework for Node.js ), run the command npm install express --saveCreate a new file and name it server.js (code is attached at the end of this post). Add the code (Server.JS File Code), in this file.To run the node.js app, run the command node server.jsVisit http://localhost:3000/ to see the results Extra Packages: To automatically restart the server, install supervisor package (nodemon can also be used) by running the command npm install npm...

WordPress Performance Improvement Checklist

WordPress performance really matters because no one wants to visit a website which takes lots of loading time. A good loading time for a website is less than 2 minutes. In this tutorial we have presented a checklist for WordPress performance improvement.


WordPress Plugin Development Cheat Sheet

WordPress plugins are used to extend the functionality of a WordPress website. There are about 51,000+ plugins available in WordPress’s official plugins repository at the writing of this post. There are scenarios when you need to develop your own WordPress plugin for some specific task/requirement. In this blog post, we present some useful functions, hooks, filters, and best practices for custom WordPress plugin development.


How to Add Quill Editor in Angular Project

This post describes the steps to integrate Quill Editor in an angular project. Run the following commands in your angular project directory: npm install ngx-quill --save npm install quill --save Inside app.module.ts or any shared module import the QuillModule import { QuillModule } from 'ngx-quill'; Add the following in imports array: QuillModule, // inside app.module.ts or any shared module Add following in index.html <link rel="stylesheet" href=""> Now add the following where you want to display editor: <quill-editor></quill-editor> <!--replace existing text areas with this tag and rest will be handled by this-->...

How to add Like/Love reactions in angular

This blog post describes step by step process to add like/love reactions in angular project. Step 1: Create a component by using the command ng g c e.g ng g c postReactions Step 2: <button (click)="incrementLove()"> love it{{post.loveCount}} </button> I have added a button in the html file of the post reactions component Step 3: On the blog page, we have a list of blog posts and we want to add post reactions in each post, so we have added the selector for post reactions at the bottom of each post inside the loop <app-post-reactions [postType]='posts' [post]='post'><br> </app-post-reactions> Also, you...