How To Access Block Directory Inside Gutenberg Block.js File?

Sometimes, we need to access the block directory url inside Gutenberg block.js file (see following scenario). Let’s say that inside the block folder you have an images folder containing logo.png image and you want to access that image inside the block.js file. In this blog post we will learn how to access the image inside images folder from block.js file.


Create Gutenberg Template Using Inner Blocks

In previous blog posts, we have learned how to create custom Gutenberg blocks. In this tutorial we will learn how to create Gutenberg template with pre-defined blocks using inner blocks component.


Add Custom Button In Formatting Toolbar – Gutenberg Block Development

WordPress provides Format API to add custom buttons in formatting toolbar to apply specific styles to the selected text. When a format is applied to a text selection, the text selection is wrapped with HTML tag. In this tutorial, we will learn how to register a new format, add a button in the toolbar and apply the format when the button is clicked.


Are You Ready For WordPress 5.4? Features and Important Markup Changes

WordPress 5.4 is planned to be released on March 31, 2020. The first release candidate for WordPress 5.4 is already released on March 03, 2020. In this blog post, we will discuss the new features and important code changes coming in WordPress 5.4 so that the theme and plugin developers can prepare themselves and plan the version updates accordingly.


Important Points To Consider Before and After Updating PHP Version For WordPress Website

Updating PHP version may cause issues to some of the features and functionality of the WordPress website due to incompatibility of 3rd party plugins or themes to the PHP version. In this blog post, we have discussed about important things to consider before and after updating PHP version for WordPress website.


Add Custom Category For Custom Gutenberg Blocks

Gutenberg block editor have revolutionized the way we add/edit post/page content. The block editor consists of some pre-defined blocks like heading, paragraph, image etc. Other than the default blocks, we can also create custom Gutenberg blocks as well. In this tutorial blog post, we will learn how to add custom category for custom Gutenberg block(s).


Control Types For Settings Sidebar – Gutenberg Block Development

In previous tutorial blog post, we have learned how to use Settings Sidebar to add option to change to change the color of Colored Lines block. We have used the PanelColorSettings element with custom color options which lets the user change the color of the Colored Lines. In this tutorial, we will learn about the other type of editable fields (text field, text area field, radio button field etc.) also known as controls for settings sidebar and how to use them inside the edit() function.


Customize Blocks Using Settings Sidebar – Gutenberg Block Development

In previous blog post we have developed a custom Gutenberg block i.e Colored Lines which adds colored lines in post/page editor. After that we have learned how to use Block Controls (Block Toolbar) to change the alignment of the colored lines. In this tutorial blog post, we will use the Settings Sidebar to add the options to change the color of the Colored Lines Gutenberg block.


What Are Block Controls and Attributes – Gutenberg Block Development

In previous post, we have learned how to devlelop a custom Gutenberg block using ES5 syntax. We have developed a custom Gutenberg block which adds colored lines in Post/Page content. That block is not customize-able yet. In this tutorial we will learn how to change the appearance of the colored lines using block controls and attributes.

Develop Custom Gutenberg Block Using ES5 Syntax – Gutenberg Block Development

WordPress released a new post/page editor (Gutenberg Editor) in version 5.0 which improves the post/page development. The editor consists of some built-in blocks which can be used to add different type of content in post/page. In this post we will discuss how to develop custom Gutenberg block using ES5 syntax.
