Interesting Stats about Pakistan IT Industry
WordPress blocks are a new way to create and organize content in WordPress editor (i.e. Gutenberg Block Editor or Block Editor) introduced in the version 5.0 of the WordPress. Now every element like paragraph, heading, quote, code etc. is a WordPress block with customization options which allows the user to have more control over the design and presentation of the content.
forwardOur research article titled “Multi Class Review Rating Classification Using Deep Recurrent Neural Networks” was published in an international journal “Neural Processing Letters” on 15 October 2019. In this tutorial, we briefly discuss the objectives, short summary, key contributions, and main findings presented in the article.
forwardData Science is an interdisciplinary field of scientific algorithms, tools, and technologies to extract useful insights from the data. This blog post lists the 10 data science career paths with job responsibilities and required skills, tools and technologies.
forwardDeep learning is a branch of machine learning based on the artificial neural networks which automatically optimize their learned rules/ patterns when there’s a wrong prediction.
forwardMachine learning is a branch of Artificial Intelligence which deals with providing systems the ability to learn and improve from data samples without explicit programming instructions.
forwardArtificial intelligence is a field of computer science which deals with tools and techniques to train machines so that they can solve complex problems with maximum success rate. These machines learn the hidden parameters from the available data-set and then solves the unknown problems based on the learned patterns.
forwardWix is an HTML5 based web development platform which lets owners to create and manage website/blog/store without any coding skills. It provides drag and drop website editor, management tools, logo designer, marketing tools, themes and apps to setup the entire business online without writing a line of code.
forwardIn a recent post Weebly has announced an important update regarding Weebly App Center. According to the post, Weebly will no longer accept new app submissions in Weebly App Center as of February 28, 2020. However, already approved and active Weebly apps will still be available for Weebly users in the Weebly App Center. The developers will be able to submit the new versions of the apps to fix bugs and to enhance the overall functionality of the already approved apps.