Introduction to CSS

What is CSS? Full form of CSS is cascading Style Sheet. As suggested by name CSS is a styling language it is used to style part of page or all pages of website. Main purpose of using this style sheet with HTML is to improve aesthetics of webpages. Why CSS? CSS is used to define styles for your web pages which includes the design, layout and variations in display for different devices and screen sizes. In very beginning of internet era user needs were very limited with black and white screens and only static info with limited colors were generally...

Ep. 011 – Meta Tags – Learn HTML and HTML5 – Free Course

In the previous post, we have presented an exercise to validate the knowledge learned in the previous course episodes/posts. In this post, we will learn about Meta Tags and why/how we use them on an HTML page.


Ep.012 – iFrame – Learn HTML and HTML5 – Free HTML Course

The iFrame tag tag is used to show other websites on your own website in a frame. The other website can only be shown on your website if that website allows embedding features. The source attribute src is used to add the URL of the external website.


Ep.013 Block vs Inline Elements – Learn HTML and HTML5 – Free HTML Course

The block or block-level elements/tags are those HTML tags that 1) cover the 100% available width on the screen and 2) always start from a new line. The inline elements/tags cover only the width required by the inner content of the tag and start from where the previous inline element is completed.


Ep.014 – Form, Input, Placeholder – Learn HTML and HTML5 – Free Course

In the previous post, we have learned about the difference between block and inline elements. In this post, we will learn about the form and input tags as well as the placeholder attribute of the input tag.


Ep.015 – Name Attribute, Form Action and Method Attributes – Learn HTML and HTML5 – Free Course

In the previous post, we have learned about the form, input, label tags, and the placeholder attribute. In this post, we will learn about the name attribute, form action, and method attributes.


Ep. 009 – Class and ID Attributes – Learn HTML and HTML5

In the previous post, we have learned how to use the style tag, link tag, and script tag. In this post, we will learn how and why we use the class attribute and id attribute?


Ep. 010 – Exercise – Learn HTML and HTML5 – Free Course

In the previous post, we have learned the difference between the class and id attributes and why/when we use them. In this post, we will do an exercise utilizing the knowledge that we have already learned in the previous lessons.


Ep. 008 – Style, Link, and Script Tags – Learn HTML and HTML5

In the previous post, we have learned how to add a line break, strong and italicized text, div and span tags, and style attributes. In this post, we will learn how to use style tag, link tag, and script tag and why we use them?
